The colour pigments that the tattoo artist inserts into the skin during tattooing are so large that they cannot be broken down by the body and therefore remain in the tissue for a long time. During our tattoo removal in Mönchengladbach, these are shattered by the heat of the laser light. The tiny particles produced by the disintegration process are recognised as foreign bodies by the immune cells and are completely removed via the blood and lymphatic system. After each session of your tattoo removal in Mönchengladbach, the pigments are gradually eliminated from the body. In order to achieve the best possible result in every case, our laser therapists do not work with conventional systems, but with the ultra-modern Quanta laser technology with an additional wavelength. This enables us to successfully remove not only red and dark motifs, but pigments from the entire spectrum and therefore also colourful tattoos. Thanks to our careful documentation, you can always see the progress of your tattoo removal in Mönchengladbach - until the unloved motif has completely disappeared and you can enjoy your new body image to the full.