A highly focussed ultrasound beam - HIFU - is a non-invasive and modern technology for aesthetic medicine. The highly focussed ultrasound releases focused energy in the deepest layers of the skin. The subsequent wound healing leads to a strong regeneration of the tissue. With ultrasound SMAS Lifting - focused ultrasound technology (HIFU - High Intensive Focus Ultrasound) acts on deeper structures of the dermis and on SMAS (Superficial muscular aponeurotic system), a fibre system located under the skin. The response: A highly concentrated beam of ultrasound energy allows you to reach the deep layers of the skin and cause the cells to vibrate, heating them and effectively ‘remodelling’ the collagen fibres. Your skin gradually becomes firmer and tighter, creating a natural lifting effect. HIFU focuses entirely on the deep, structural layers of the skin where collagen is deposited.